I feel immense gratitude for Maxi’s work.
In general, I don’t like massages and don’t like to be touched, especially on my face. Maxi offered me a facial massage as it was clear I needed it, and I widely agreed. Maxi was able to find the right touch and the perfect technique for what I needed right away. She put her heart and soul into my facial massage and was present there entirely for me. Her hands are magical- I did not want the massage to end (where I normally can’t wait to get done). Of course, she provided additional spiritual comfort and advice, Maxi style.
Maxi used her proprietary facial massage oils mix which was fantastic and left my skin fresh and hydrated for several days.
Big hugs, Maxi. Miss you and looking forward to your special recipes and another massage. You are the best!
Juliya Linhares oncologist

Maxi’s understanding of the human body is incredible.
I was telling her where I had pain and she was immediately able to point out what the underlying issue is, and I knew she was absolutely right because I had previously had four surgeries (which I had not mentioned!) in exactly the area she said was the issue.
100% no bullshit, warm, understanding, knowledgeable, and talented at what she does. Perfect for anyone feeling stressed out, or uncomfortable/in pain. I highly recommend Maxi ♥️
Jess Rhodes
Musician/Vocalist of Tiger Mimic
I phoned my friend known as Maxi McNaughty
- Maxi is a high priestess of the Goddess and a witch and she knows everything about essential oils, ointments and the healing properties of herbs and crystals -
I asked her advice about Martina’s skin condition and she suggested colloidal silver… She had made me a year ago, a batch of colloidal silver. Yes, she did make it!
Long story short, that was two days ago, I only applied it twice! The scabs are all as good as gone and her coat is looking smooth and shiny again. (Martina is a cat!)
Melissa Zaal-La Pera
Maxi gave me a Musically Magical Massage treatment with a Love Quota Beauty CBD cream.
I have been using said cream since. I noticed that I am less stiff and (when she asked) that there is less pain!
I had put the stiffness and pain in the same ball park!
There is still some soreness but hopefully that will soon be a thing of the past.
Thank you a million times.
Delmozene Morris-Ley
Maxi is a percipient. She perceives (and receives) messages and information.
Sessions with her are only for those willing to do the work necessary to move beyond their current limitations.
Theresa Alexander
I feel like a new person.
Not only my thoughts being negative, I was attracting negativity.
Feeling tired ALL the time, effecting my work, social and family life, NOT GOOD!
After one session with Maxi, bringing balance and enlightenment into my life, giving me tips and affirmations I can use in my day to day life.
I feel energised, my family and friends say I look younger.
Thank you, you are truly amazing.
Sam Poynton XX
Had been feeling stressed and uptight
After a (short) around half an hour of healing I felt uplifted, refreshed, relaxed, invigorated and happy, with endorphins flowing!
Definitely the wow factor
Yvonne Reyes

Maxi McNaughty’s Musically Magical Massages

Maxi guides me warmly to my very personal blissful spaces. Her treatment, face massage, aromatherapy, clarifying, velvety and energizing tune fuels me every time with trust, faith and comfort.
Maxi makes me believe that I’m complete. That I’m safe going through my processes…growing into my roots of existence…
I highly and profoundly recommand her lovingly, soothing, energizing healing and transformational skills to everyone who is wishing and choosing to connect with their true and powerful nature.
Her work is so deliciously nourishing and satisfying that words can not really describe it.
Explore and discover with Her your endless beauty and powerful sources.
Enjoy your journey with one of the best energy guides I have travelled and grown with
Nicola S.
It’s not been easy to articulate my feelings of thanks for the anxiety calming treatment that I received.
A MMMM massage and meditation, with some life hacks for calming down.
The hardest part was admitting that I wasn’t ‘alright in the head’ as I put it, one day. Tears brimmed out from somewhere that I had no idea about. It wasn’t a “black mist day”, I’m emotional, anxious and overwhelmed by adding the smallest thing to the list of things I haven’t done yet.
Then worry about worrying. These are some of the first world problems that will not stop me feeling blessed. I recognised that I was in the frame of mind to know that I needed something spiritual, along with the physical relief of a massage.
Maxi taught me some self help. Just relaxing my tense muscles, allowing myself to breath and rooting my being in the Earth like a tree. Taking the time to do so. Making the time to take the time.
It’s a knowing way of doing it. I couldn’t recreate this. You need somebody who knows how to do this, hence recommending Maxi.
Which is what I’m doing right now, and finally got to write this out.
I had a mental block that delayed expressing the positivity of the session, but today I have solitude, am ahead of this evening’s work tasks and did a DIY self help, mobile phone is off, creativity is on.
I can be happy, anxious, depressed, self conscious and self obsessed all in the same day, but when I root myself, I can accept that I am human, not a one dimensional bot. So it’s OK.
This, while breathing calmly, genuinely helps. It helped me write this, just for starters!
Me me me, and thank you
Xx Caffy London