
Individual Mind/Body Therapy
1hr 40 min |
Single sessions or Package
A happier, healthier you.
Change Facilitation, facilitating change. You, empowered, focussed. We identify and remove limiting beliefs. You gain & embed creativity and positive, expansive beliefs.

Maxi McNaughty's Musically Magical Massages
20-90 minutes |
De-stress, relax, (re)connect
Unique, powerful, effective.

Life Support System
Scent your life to work the best for you.
Artist Musician specials
Life Support by Maxi McNaughty and Love Quota B is founded upon the AromaGenera® aromatherapy system by V A Worwood

Card Readings
contact for festival/market, private and event prices
Crowley Thoth, Enlightenment Pack, Goddess Guidance, Love Pack, Medicine Cards, Osho Zen
(& more!)

Crystal Past Life Regression
2 hours €160
Everything we’ve ever done, reflects and informs all we’re doing now and all we will do.

Self Care aromaTherapy
25-75 pp
Learn your AromaGenera personality type and how to use it to personalise your essential oil use

Love Quota Beauty Workshops
1hr 40 min | € 15-60 pp depending on products made and used
Your own (fragrance,) all natural self care products for body and home

LQB Hair Workshop
1hr 40 min | €20 pp min 4 people
Learn all natural hair care
Designed for African/Mix, suitable for every hair type

Unveiling Creatrix Energy
1.5-3 hrs
We are innate creators, expressing it is a part of being whole

For 3-150 people. EaRtH based Celebrations, Protections, Cleansings Ritual ceremonies bind and bring us together

Humans sang together before we spoke 45-90mins